lundi 3 juin 2013

Les bibittes sortent des placards

Le texte du chroniqueur Matt Gurney, du National Post, intitulé « To protect the French language, Quebec must separate from Earth » (, a suscité près de 600 commentaires de lecteurs ainsi qu'une cinglante réplique de la chroniqueure Sophie Durocher dans le Journal de Montréal (voir

Et comme d'habitude, dans ce genre d'histoire où il est question du Québec et de la langue française, de nombreuses bibittes friandes d'un peu d'hystérie antifrancophone sortent des placards... Pour rendre justice au Post, il faut reconnaître que de nombreux commentaires sont relativement bien informés et intéressants. Plusieurs, par contre, et certains des plus prisés des lecteurs, me feraient dresser les cheveux sur la tête s'il m'en restait beaucoup... D'où ces gens sortent, je ne saurais dire, mais ce ne sont pas des types avec lesquels il serait facile de dialoguer...

Voici quelques-uns des commentaires les plus juteux :

1. Nous aurions apparemment des ayatollahs de la langue qui empêchent Montréal de prospérer...

* Send these language Ayatollahs into deep space and maybe, finally my city, Montreal, can prosper again. Instead of actually having kids of their own, these xenophobes want Allophones to do their heavy lifting to save their glorious language/culture. Not gonna happen!

9 lecteurs favorables, 3 défavorables

2. Trudeau a rendu le Canada bilingue en une nuit et n'a pas permis au reste du pays d'apprendre le français... Saviez-vous ça?

* You refuse to see that millions of English guys like me have forfeited their lives because Trudeau made Canada "Bilingual" overnight and did not allow the ROC to be taught French - a plan of exclusion-genocide! Here Quebec has had 254 years to learn English and refuses.

3. Entre autres, nous sommes des communistes qui veulent tout sans payer...
* Your crazy laws and the superiority you feel over others is also stupid. I know longer care if you leave - sick to death of the bunch of you and yes you are communist wanting everything for free and having the government make all your decisions for you (just like mom). 
4. La partition du Québec permettra d'éviter la guerre civile...
* Civil war can be avoided if we partition this damn place by democratic votes by municipality and/or federal districts. That's what many of us want - to get rid of these crazy language militants and still remain Canadian. 
5. La Gazette est un torchon qui ne défend pas suffisamment les anglophones...
* The Gazette is a rag - like most - and didn't stick-up enough for English rights in Quebec!
6. Le bilinguisme était un acte de haute trahison communiste ! Tenez-vous le pour dit !
* Of course Bilingualsm is not working! It was an act of communist High Treason when it was criminally and unconstitutionally imposed.
7. Il serait intéressant de vérifier cette allégation.
* I would bet that the percentage of Federal government positions held by French speaking Canadians far exceeds the French speaking population of Canada...
8. Sa seule utilisation du français? Corriger des boîtes de céréales mal traduites...
* I graduated from a full french school and the only use I've had of it so far has been correcting poorly translated cereal boxes and occasionally using it as an excuse for some mistakes I make when speaking in English . However french isn't the only language that is losing it's fame. I was in Estonia a week ago and I was surprised by how many people spoke fluently in English compared to those who only spoke Estonian.
9. Le français, langue de l'hystérie et de la division...
* English-The Language of Business and Accomplishment. French-The Language of Hysteria and Division.
10. Cette comparaison est... je cherche un mot...
* French approach, and this is just as applicable to France as to its orphan child Quebec, to promoting French culture is akin to that of an abusive husband who believes that the more he beats his wife, the more loyal and loving she will be.
11. À l'ordre du jour du PQ: interdire les mariages entre francophones et anglophones...
* On the current PQ agenda: banning mixed Anglophone and Francophone marriages...
12. Vite, les derniers sacrements...
* Face it, French is a dying language.
13. Au menu canadien : salade de mandarines...
* Mandarin is currently the third most widely spoken language in Canada. It could very well become the second within a generation.
14. Le Québec est dirigé par des Nazis avec un programme de nettoyage ethnique...
* Quebec is run by a bunch of ethnic cleansing nazis that need to be eradicated from the landscape. 28 lecteurs favorables, 4 défavorables.
15. Le projet de loi 14: ridicule et discriminatoire.
* Go and tell that to la reine pauline, so she doesn't need to push uberly ridiculous and discriminatory laws like bill 14 because she thinks that french will disappear from Canada.
16. Le Canada et les USA devraient étrangler le Québec financièrement...
* Quebec should separate and the US and Canada should put a financial noose around its neck and end this toxic fkg culture - worse than the nazis. 18 lecteurs favorables, 3 contre.
17. Retour à l'Allemagne nazie: quand identifiera-t-on les Anglais avec des tatouages?
* When will you demand the english be identified with tattoos?
18. ...le racisme inhérent des Québécois?
* This still doesn't address the inherent racism of French Quebeckers.
19. À court d'arguments, on se contente de nous insulter...
* Note to quebec space agency. the fiery end of the rocket goes at the bottom. 27 lecteurs favorables, 2 contre...
20. On oublie de dire que la catégorie « autres » inclut des dizaines de langues...
* More Canadians speak 'other' (other than an official language) languages in their homes than speak French at home. 
21. Celle-ci, malheureusement, a un fond de vérité hors-Québec...
* There is no reason for us to learn French, but every reason for you to learn English. OK?
22. Filons vers une autre planète...
* If the PQ wants to isolate their people and their language then going to another planet makes perfect sense. 21 lecteurs favorables, 2 contre...
23. Apparemment, pour l'immense majorité des anglos nord-américains, aucune langue seconde n'est utile...
* Learning a second language is a wonderful thing. But wouldn't it be better to choose one that might be useful?

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